Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!  As you can imagine, the energy was high today.  We did a fun math / writing activity, in which we made a multiplication 'number house' and then wrote a story about it.  We had fun during our Halloween parade this morning - and certainly had fun doing some Halloween activities.  Please note that your forms for our Coloma trip are due tomorrow.  We also have a fun presentation from Tuolomne tomorrow as well. 

This week we made our salt maps.  We had fun mixing salt and flower and forming the valleys and mountains of California.  After the maps dry, we will be able to paint them and add much more detail.

We're just about finished with Unit 3 and will be taking our unit assessment on Friday.  Ms. Christensen and the 4th grade team won't be here on Monday, because they will be participating in a district wide 4th grade staff development. 

Have a fun night!

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