I'm sorry that my post is a bit overdue. As you can imagine, things are well underway, which means, I'm well... way-under.
Today we focused primarily on our Magnetism and Electricity Unit. We looked at a website http://goo.gl.BLhvU and wrote 3 new / interesting facts that we learned while reading the site. Then we watched some fun BlogSpot videos as a whole class. It was especially "fun" when I paused the videos mid-stream and quizzed no student in particular, about the facts just said. It was pleasant to see some students, frantically adding those facts to their lists that they had generated in their science notebooks.
As a math review, we went outside with all 4th grade classes and made a "70-agon". Each student had a straw and we constructed a polygon on the playground. That was really fun. Then, we labeled various attributes - concave; parallel; vertex; side; obtuse and right angle.
What a fun activity. Next Monday we will review for our Chapter test - so please review with your child at home.
We also had our Coloma meeting (if you were unable to attend, please see me for more information). Please note there is also a typo in the interest survey. Please make checks out to our school (e.g. B----- ---- School) rather than the PTA.
Have a great weekend
-Ms. Christensen
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