Thursday, March 7, 2013


The MARS assessment is coming up and we’ve been practicing various tasks during our Wed. math block. The purpose of MARS is to provide practice for collaborative approaches to “real-life” math ‘problems. The 4th grade team works together to differentiate lessons and teach in smaller group settings with more targeted instruction.  This allows us to use skills that need practice and enrich skills that are already established.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I was gone last week and missed out on what I hear was a WONDERFUL squid dissection.  The kids left me letters, raving about it.  I (and a few colleagues) were receiving our final training in the GLAD model (Guided Language Acquisition Design).  This model is used primarily to teach Social Studies and Science curriculums, through pictorials, and group tasks, raising the students’ expectations in a print rich environment.  As this is a new methodology for me, I am excited to slowly weave it into our curriculum this year.  Assessments:  As we approach report card season, we are entering full swing, into reading and math assessments.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
It has been quite a while since my last post.  The end of the calendar year is a busy one for everyone.  Finishing up projects, assessments and getting ready for the holidays.  I'm sure you can forgive my tardiness.  Well, we are back in the swing of things and I'm impressed how attentive the students are upon their return. 
I'm excited to say that we've started a project on the Early Explorers.  Certainly it isn't the content that interests me, but the enthusiasm of the students.  As one of my trainers mentioned yesterday, 'put some construction paper behind it, and the kids think it's the greatest thing ever'.  
Thank you to those of you who turned out for our Coloma presentations and Grandparents Day.  Those were very fun events.
I hope you and yours had an enjoyable holiday.  
Happy 2013!