Wednesday, November 28, 2012

This is a video that I showed the class today, about being a child with Autism.  It is quite profound and spurred some great classroom discussions.  I'd encourage you to watch it and continue the discussion with your child, at home.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I am long overdue for a post, for that I extend my apologies.  Certainly this post would be about nothing other than, Coloma!  What a trip! Literally and figuratively.  After arriving to the site, we unpacked and were debriefed about the expectations of the next two days.  The students were given a 'gold pouch' on which they wrote their Coloma name (Quick-Find Christensen, reporting!).  After the debrief the students met in learning groups and did various stations that, for lack of a better description, re-enacted the life and times of people in the Gold Rush period.  They had to work together to build a shelter, purchase items from the general store, make cornbread on a dutch oven, wash clothing by the river, keep copious notes in their logs, and of course, PAN for GOLD!

The night concluded with a hoe-down and bon-fire.  We sang songs, watched skits (involving one nameless 4th grade teacher ::eh hem::) and had just a general good time!

The next day we packed up and headed out to the State Park.  We looked at the original sites (mills, homes, general stores) and had a quick lunch before heading back.

After the long drive... and the long stay... I was pleased to be met with Thanksgiving (break).

Ask your child to tell you the chant they learned... "Gold-panning, gold-panning, drinking coffee-coffee-coffee-coffee, Gold-panning. Eureaka! Eureaka! Uh huh, uh huh".

Friday, November 9, 2012

Things have been quite busy around here.  With Halloween over, Coloma is about to begin. And we're counting down!  We also had a wonderful presentation by the Tuolumne River Foundation.  We learned about our water sources and how we can conserve them.  Our book clubs are well underway - it's so exciting for me to see the students take charge of their learning.  Even the more timid students, when in a smaller group setting, are really thriving and facilitating great discussions.

These past few weeks have been packed for me, as I'm sure you can imagine.  I've been busy writing report cards and conducting parent teacher conferences, which, admittedly, have taken up the bulk of my time.  Hence the delayed post.  Sorry.

Next Friday we'll get to start our Cultural Kaleidoscope program which exposes us to art and students from another school.   I'm excited about what is in store. 

As you have a long weekend ahead of you (no school on Monday), please take note of what needs to be packed for Coloma.

Suitcase:                                                                      Backpack (no wheels please):
1 pair of light weight pants (when hot)                         Reusable waterbottle
1 pair long pants                                                          chapstick
2 sents underwear                                                       disposable camera (optional)
1 t-shirt                                                                        hat / cap
1-2 pair socks                                                              lunch for arrival day
book                                                                             pencils
close-toed walking shoes-no skate shoes                    sunscreen
fitted single-size mattress sheet (optional)                  waterproof rain jacket / poncho
hair brush/comb
laundry bag or plastic bag
non-spray insect repellant
slippers (optional)
student handbook
toothbrush & paste                                                             Please DON'T bring:
warm sweater/sweatshirt                                                    candy; jewelry/watches;
washcloth, towel & soap                                                     playing cards;
long sleeve shirts                                                                recreation equipment;
warm coat (nothing too bulky)                                           open-toed shoes;
warm hat                                                                            comic books; matches;
gloves / mittens                                                                   anything valuable
waterproof boots
thermal underwear